Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can You Do This with Your Mouth? Does Anyone Want to Do This with Their Mouth?

"I'm the turkey call mc, and I'm here to say, that I'm the dorkiest hunter in the USA." Damn it. You sit on a video for a little bit and then you see it on Web Soup or Tosh.0 and then it looks like you're just posting videos from those shows. Well, that's exactly what I'm doing because this video of a hilariously redneck hunter duo busting turkey calls over a beat box was the video from last night's Web Soup they post the prior week so they can steal twitter follower's jokes to allow amateur joke writers to get their joke read on television. Tosh.0 and Web Soup are two of the better shows on television right now (what a sad indictment on that industry!), but have you noticed how they have some videos you saw like four years ago. It's almost like we're waiting for them to catch up, like when you show someone a website and they proceed to send you every link from said website with the comment, "Look at this! LOLOZLOZLOZLOZL" Yeh, it's still annoying, Barry. But let me not hate too much. Being able to replicate a turkey call that well is a skill. Is that positive enough for you? Youtube says this video is a year old. When are these guys going to hit us with the remix?

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