Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fundamental Assumption Review: Constitution

Tea party this, real American that, knowing where we all come out on every single issue facing our country right now is impossible. Besides that, I heard a very wise man say, "Consensus is a synonym for mediocrity." This article, written by Chuck Baldwin on prisonplanet.com, lists several sentiments he feels a Constitutionalist should echo. I'm not sure I agree with every single one of the sentiments although I do fancy myself a Constitutionalist (as well an asshole that sticks his pinky out when he sips hot tea.) I, with naive idealism, believe that if we can truly back peddle, rediscover, and reapply our founding document we can keep this thing afloat for a few more decades.
I am not sure number fourteen on the list is viable considering how long the U.N. has been around. We need to have our hands in there still.
Here are a few that stuck out to me with which I agree:
Number seven, "You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the federal government has no authority to be involved in education or law enforcement, or in any other issue that the Tenth Amendment reserves to the States, or to the People," interested me greatly. Ever since reading the Constitution (link to full text) the whole way through I have wondered how law enforcement agencies have proliferated at the federal level over the past 200+ years.
keep reading...

Number nine, "You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the income tax is both unconstitutional and immoral, and, along with the I.R.S. and the Federal Reserve, should be abolished." The current income tax is insane (see: your paycheck,) and to the people who say the government needs what they are currently stealing from us to pay for for social welfare programs and other nonsense I do not know what to say to you at a 1st grade level so you will understand the government wastes way too much money on things no one needs or wants them to do.
Number thirty-two, "You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that U.S. troops are not the world’s policemen, that they are not “nation-builders,” and that their purpose is only to defend American lives and property, not to be the enforcement arm of international commercial interests or global elitists." I blame Teddy Roosevelt. We are stretching our military too thin and sticking our noses in a lot of business around the world.
Bottom line: In order to say you are a Constitutionalist you must first know what is in the Constitution. Start with the Bill of Rights.

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